
Common Rosefinch - JP
Dunlin - @grahamhowie
Grasshopper Warbler - @grahamhowie
Jackdaw - @grahamhowie
Wood Warbler - @grahamhowie
Goldeneye - @grahamhowie
Wigeon - @grahamhowie

Mandarin - @grahamhowie

Firecrest - @grahamhowie
Glossy Ibis - @grahamhowie
Kingfisher - @grahamhowie
Grey Wagtail - @grahamhowie

Yellow Wagtail - @grahamhowie
Common Redshank - @grahamhowie
Male and Female Scaup - @grahamhowie
Female Wheatear - @grahamhowie
Chiffchaff - @grahamhowie
Egyptian Goose - @grahamhowie
Kestrel - @grahamhowie
Reed Warbler - @grahamhowie
Dunnock - @grahamhowie
Mistle Thrush - @grahamhowie
Little Egret - @grahamhowie
Grey Heron - @grahamhowie

Spotted Flycatcher - @grahamhowie

Sand Martin - @grahamhowie

Sparrowhawk - @grahamhowie

Kingfisher - @grahamhowie

Wheatear - @grahamhowie

Hobby - @grahamhowie

Common Snipe - @grahamhowie

Redwing - @grahamhowie

Meadow Pipit - @grahamhowie

Greenfinch - @grahamhowie

Kestrel - @grahamhowie

Avocet - @grahamhowie

Grey Heron - @grahamhowie

Great Crested Grebe - @grahamhowie

Common Tern - @grahamhowie

Whinchat - @grahamhowie

Shoveler - @grahamhowie

Sedge Warbler - @grahamhowie

Teal - @grahamhowie

Barnacle Goose - @grahamhowie

Common Whitethroat - @grahamhowie

Reed Bunting - @grahamhowie

Green Sandpiper - @grahamhowie

Little Owl - @grahamhowie

Green Woodpecker - @grahamhowie

Jay - @grahamhowie

Sand Martin - @grahamhowie

Bittern - @grahamhowie
Stonechat - @grahamhowie
Slavonian Grebe - @grahamhowie

Common Gull - @grahamhowie


  1. A most interesting and informative web site. Kudos to all Walthamstow birders for putting it together and for having such a wonderful patch to visit. I hope to get there at some point during my current stay with my sister in Hornsey.

    Michael Bowen
    Bethesda, Maryland, USA
    Member, American Birding Association and Maryland Ornithological Society

  2. Thanks Micheal,

    I think I bumped into you outside the reservoirs. You asked for advice on birding the site. One of your party was an expat scot.

    Hope the birding was good,



Reservoir Logs - January 2025 round-up

                           The Golden Plover gave amazing views during its stay pic          A remarkably tame an...