Saturday, 18 June 2011

All the News (That's Fit to Print)

Was admiring Pete L's handwriting in the bird log at the fishing lodge on Tuesday (using an inverted bin technique recently learnt) when in walked the author. He in turn was interested in an entry "No. 4-5 Adult Gannet flying South - Ray T"....when in walked the author. A discussion followed, Pete L commenting that the Gannet should be busy breeding (elsewhere).

Later a group of about 12 people, some with bins including Pete L, were congregated by the entrance. I asked Pete what was happening and he told me it was a meeting to discuss the formation of a wetlands area.

Paul B, News at 5pm, Walthamstow Reservoirs

Meeting was very uninformative; co-ordinator was very vague on what might happen.

Pete (he of the small writing) L, Roving correspondent

I, like Pete L, was a bit incredulous with the Gannet sighting, which is no reflection on Ray T's abilities, just the unlikeliness of the record given the time of the year, weather conditions and lack of supporting cast etc. Today an adult Gannet was seen over in the South-west of London, which could even be the same bird, so on the list it goes. Kudos to Mr T.

Paul (sceptical, who me?) W

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