Friday, 1 January 2016

Reset Extra

As I unexpectedly had time on my hands and knowing the reservoirs were shut today, I wandered up to the top field (between Lockwood and Banbury) to see what I might be able to add to the patch list. The answer was not much and certainly not the Woodcock I hoped for. But I had at least one - if not two - male Pheasants and a female Goosander flying up the overflow channel to the Banbury. More unexpectedly were a single Redwing (which took me about six weeks to see last year) and a male Reed Bunting both sitting in the hedges. Even  better was a Water Rail feeding along the Lockwood (Essex) side of the Lea just by the lock. Otherwise a few Goldcrests and plenty of species still needed for the new year list if it ever stops raining. I am already about thirty behind everyone else....

DB @porthkiller..

Extra, Extra...
Didn't get out today as was feeling a little worse for wear, but did have a look out the loft window long enough to see a few things, the highlights being a Peregrine on pylon by Banbury res (hope they breed again this year), a female Goosander flew past and there were 2 f Goldeneye on the Lockwood - my first modest contribution to the first day on the patch. Best wishes to all for 2016!

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