Wednesday, 5 March 2025

Reservoir Logs - February 25 round-up

               The Red-necked Grebe drew a steady stream of admirers pic

         The first Red-necked Grebe for 25 years brightened what had been up to then a dismal month. It was followed, of course, immediately by the first Black Redstart for over a year which flew over birders enjoying the grebe and two days later by a Mediterranean Gull, another species which for some reason was not seen last year. With a returning Caspian Gull and fly over Siskins also seen at the end of the month, February finished a lot stronger than it began. The six additions take the annual list to 86, just two behind last year but well ahead of the 81 in 2023.  

          Barnacle Geese continued to roost and feed at the reservoirs most days. Shelduck slowly built up with nine being counted on the 19th.  The regular waterbird surveys confirmed that Tufted Duck numbers are lower than usual with just 242 counted across the reservoirs at the beginning of the month compared to 356 last year and 339 in 2023. Goldeneye numbers remained low as well with no more than three seen in a day while the only Goosanders were a single bird on the 2nd and two on 16th.

         As expected, waders were also scarce. The frost early in the month saw two Lapwing on the 7th & 8th with a single on the 16th. Common Snipe were seen occasionally - again usually when frost had forced them off the marsh -  in the East Warwick island with three on the 17th and 28th the peak count while the Common Sandpiper continued to winter, usually on High Maynard. 

                                 A long overdue Mediterranean Gull pic

          Black-headed Gulls returned in force to the Lockwood rafts by the middle of the month. The gathering probably attracted a 1W Mediterranean Gull found by DDL, a bird not recorded at all last year, on the 16th while SD picked out December’s rung Caspian Gull on the same reservoir on the 22nd.

          This 1W Caspian Gull was also re-found on Lockwood pic 

       The highlight of the month was the Red-necked Grebe found at the south end of Lockwood on the 14th. It is the first record since one wintered on West Warwick from late December 1999 into the Spring of 2000. But there was to be no repeat of this long stay as, after circuiting the reservoirs high several times during its three day visit,  it was watched flying off north at lunchtime on the 16th.

The Red-necked Grebe practising for departure pic 

         The Buzzard continued to winter at the reservoirs, roosting on No 1 island, while two Red Kites were seen on the 24th. More unusual was the Barn Owl which was watched hunting over the flower farm again on the 9th and 17th although sadly missing on other mornings. 

               The Barn Owl continues to appear occasionally pic 

         It has been a remarkably bad year for winter thrushes with only one record of Fieldfare on the 23rd and seemingly no Redwing at all this month although there are a few on Walthamstow Marsh. The first sign of Spring passage at the reservoirs is often a movement of Stonechats with two bang on schedule on the 18th, two days later than last year, with two more obvious migrants on the 25th. Small numbers of Meadow Pipits also began to appear. 

       The first Skylark, another early migrant, flew over on the 21st with two on the 23rd.  But the most striking sign of migration was the female type Black Redstart, picked up by RB as it flew over the group enjoying the Red-necked Grebe on the 14th. It perched on a nearby tree for a few seconds before continuing on its way north. The first two Siskins of the year were picked up by LB going SW on the last day of the month.


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Reservoir Logs - February 25 round-up

               The Red-necked Grebe drew a steady stream of admirers pic            The first Red-necked Grebe f...