Saturday, 23 October 2010

Out, for a Duck

I was supposed to meet up with Lol for a walk around Walthamstow but he whimped out, Man Flu or some such excuse! I wasn't exactly feeling tip top either with a bit of a cold but decided to drag myself out rather than spend all afternoon in front of the T.V. or computer.

The brisk wind seemed to be keeping most Passerines well down, either that or there weren't any.

A Peregrine was working low over Leyton Marsh, I don't see them down this end so much so it was a happy sighting. On the Waterworks N.R. there were 14 Teal, probably more hidden in cover, so it seems that Ducks are building up. At first there was no sign of the recent Wigeon but, after a quick bit of fence hopping, I saw them but now there are five. No Snipe visible but they will be tucked in somewhere.

The fresh air was welcome, given my blocked tubes, but it was a lot of effort for one more Duck.


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