Tuesday, 11 August 2015

Oh my Godwit

A late morning amble onto the reservoirs and I immediately bumped into @jarpartridge who persuaded me into joining him for a soporific jaunt around Lockwood.

The morning was warm and still, humidity still high which made for a particularly pleasant day to be out and about. Lockwood itself was like a millpond with a few Gulls loafing about on the water and half a dozen Common Tern screeching overhead. A minimum of five Common Sandpiper were flushed from the eastern foreshore and another was later seen on High Maynard. A bright Willow Warbler sang from within the treeline.

Satisfied with our minimal exertions, we decided against walking all the way round the ressie and traipsed slowly back toward the car park. Three birds appeared from the west, and they had a promising look about them so immediately pinned my eyes skyward to confirm three Black-Tailed Godwit flying firstly west, before turning south and off into the distance. They did appear to turn back so was a chance they could have landed on the southern complex but we later drew a blank on these. A patch first for both of us and my first ever 'large' wader for my local.

We then picked up a very smart Jersey Tiger Moth in trees on the bank of Lower Maynard, where a brief Hobby flew through.

After some sustenance at the Ferry Boat, we headed down onto the southside. Trailing onto the track between No.1 and No.2, a large flock of Titmice held a few Chiffchaff, at least two Willow Warbler including one singer, and a minimum of two Lesser Whitehroat (JP had seen at least five earlier) that brought my yearly patch total up to 100.  Two Garden Warbler were present here too seen by JP.

East Warwick had a minimum of nine Shoveler (JP had 12 earlier), a single Common Sandpiper, and an adult Greater Black Backed Gull. Around 40 Linnet were favouring the scrub adjacent to the railway line.

Also extremely noteworthy were the two Whimbrel seen by @jarpartridge during an early morning start, that flew south over the Warwicks, and a flyover Yellow Wagtail which was the first of the autumn, flying north-east over the Waterworks.  A pair of Swallow feeding young in the riding stables suggests a successful breeding record which of course is great news.

We have a great core group of birders now on the patch with interesting sightings regularly being made.  With greater coverage on the patch, who knows what the coming weeks might turn up.

Painted Lady seen down Track 13 - @jarpatridge

Willow Warbler seen down Track 13 - @jarpartridge

Whimbrel seen flying south over the Warwicks - @jarpartridge

@jarpartridge @randombirder

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