Saturday, 16 April 2016

Black Tern

I'm spending almost all my free time on the patch at the moment, and its paying off.  A slightly hungover late morning trip to the reservoirs found me a summer plumaged Black tern feeding with around 12 common terns on no4.  I thought perhaps there was an Arctic amongst them but couldn't refind it and concentrated on trying to get shots of the Black tern. There were a few swifts about when i arrived, and many hirundines feeding low over the water.  The tern stayed pretty distant in the middle of the res. I watched it for an hour and left it there, unfortunately however by the time Paul had arrived it had gone. 

There were a couple of Wheatears on Lockwood, and four common terns flew North, two common Sandpipers flew from the east bank, also the 2nd calender year Yellow Legged Gull was amoungst a handful of gulls at the nw end.

Over the channel at the North east end of the reservoirs were a few hundred hirundines, mainly swallows. It was wonderful to stand an scan through them, looking for something rarer and just enjoying their movement.   @jarpartridge

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