Sunday, 8 February 2015

Mr Scaup does it again

Scaup numbers are now up to a remarkable four - and all found by Pete L. After we had seen the now very long-staying adult drake at the south end of Lockwood, I went for a slow walk round No 4 and 5 and Pete did his usual circuit of the Warwicks. Not long after I left him, he rang to say he had found a female Scaup with the two now not-so-immature males on East Warwick.  When I saw it in the late afternoon sunshine, it was close by the other two in the north west corner but spent more of its time awake fortunately, giving good views of its very large white patch at the base of the bill.

Pete also had the Wigeon on West Warwick while, through the fence, I could see there was still one Lapwing on the north east corner of the Filter Beds. We missed a Buzzard - which QG reported on wiki as going over high at 1300 - which was a shame as we were both hoping for a soaring bird of prey. Between the three of us, it seems like we must have recorded over a dozen Goldeneye although there is so clearly some movement between the reservoirs during the day as well.

1 comment:

  1. Becoming a bit of a one trick pony now:-) How about a Ring-necked Duck or Lesser Scaup?


Reservoir Logs - January 2025 round-up

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