You will know doubt remember (!) that last year’s 129th species for the Walthamstow Patch Year List was.....Cuckoo. And this year’s 129th species is.....Cuckoo. Perhaps not an earth-shattering coincidence as most of the year list is fairly predictable and arrives with fairly predictable timing but worthy of mention nonetheless.
Number 130 last year was Redshank, of which we have seen a hatful already this year, and we had to wait about a month for it (21 06 2010). What is worrying is that this year we have seen quite a few of the birds that had yet to turn up in 2010. It makes me wonder; what will the second half of the year bring?
Seen already by now in 2010, but not thus far in 2011: Yellowhammer, Whooper Swan, Brent Goose, Bittern, Slavonian Grebe, Black-necked Grebe, Dusky Warbler, Black Redstart, Brambling, Hooded Crow, Tree Pipit, Little Gull, Sandwich Tern, Turtle Dove, (Blue-headed Wagtail).
Seen during the second half of the year in 2010, but not yet in 2011: Redstart, Merlin, Spotted Flycatcher, Ring Ouzel, Firecrest, Water Pipit, Golden Plover, Shag, White-fronted Goose.
So if you feel like making a name for yourself you could do worse than going out in the Summer doldrums and finding one of the above, or better still something new.
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