All was not lost as it was a very pleasant evening to be spending a half hour scanning the Banbury after being cooped up all day and, amongst the 30+ Terns zipping about at least one was an Arctic.
Today I felt like trying my luck with the Golf Course Mandarin again, typically the feeling was less than mutual. On my way I walked around the Lammas Fields and was pleasantly surprised to hear a singing Lesser Whitethroat and moments later, even better, a singing Garden Warbler. 370m from my house...I wonder....if the wind went round to the South-west would they be audible? Garden Warbler would be a new bird for the house list but I suspect this one will not be the bird that gets it on the list. If I wake up at dawn, which seems to be happening more often lately, I may well pop my head out of the window, you never know.
There was nothing exceptional on the Waterworks later in the afternoon but this Little Grebe was quite confiding.
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