Sunday, 1 May 2011

Most Stones Left Unturned

I have been away for the weekend, in a mostly bird free Shropshire, obviously worrying about the flocks of Bar-tailed Godwits that must surely have been plying their way over Walthamstow. When I got back this afternoon I checked with Pete L on what's been happening. I guessed that he had been responsible for the '5 Turnstones North over the Lockwood' pager message this morning, as indeed he had, but he also told me that there had been another reported on the Fish cage on No. 5.

Well it wasn't there when I peered through the fence at the bottom of Coppermill Lane later. However a Common Sandpiper was picking it's way around the edge and I was grateful for that having conspired to miss the species so far this year. Apparently they are all over the complex today so I will probably see hordes of them tomorrow when I get over there properly.

Another well overdue patch year tick and year tick in general was in the shape of a Swift, well 30 of them to be more precise, high over the Warwicks.

On this date: 01 05 90 Walthamstow produced ten species of summer migrant today including; 5-6 Common Terns, Swifts, Willow Warbler, Yellow Wagtail, all three Hirundines and Little Ringed Plover.


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